Editore: EUM – Edizioni Università di Macerata | Collana: Repertori bibliografici della Biblioteca di «History of Education & Children’s Literature» 2 eum > scienze dell’educazione > repertori bibliografici |
pp. 277 | ISBN: 9788860564160 |
ed. 2015 | |
Formati: Stampa | |
Prezzo: € 23.00 | Prezzo eBook: € 0.00 |
The present lnternational Bibliography about the history of education and children's literature concerning the year 2013 follows the one appeared on «History of Education & Children's literature» last year and includes the three years period 2010-2012. Just like that, it is a specialized bibliographical overview (articles published in journals, monographs, collections of essays, proceedings and textbooks) concerning the research and the studies about the history of education published all over the world. In order to create such a work tool, addressed in particular to the scholars of history of education and children's literature, it is appropriate to systematically analyze the Publishers' catalogues of hundreds of national and international specialized publishing houses (historical studies, social and human sciences, educational sciences), as well as the catalogues of about 400 scientifìc journals belonging to the same field or related to it, published in different countries of the world.